Query Iterations
- Http Method
- End Point
Placeholder Description Example {projectId} Project Id 1 - Query Parameters
Parameter Description Required Example name Name No string startBefore ISO 8601 date No 2025-03-14T15:59:22.785Z startAfter ISO 8601 date No 2025-03-14T15:59:22.785Z dueBefore ISO 8601 date No 2025-03-14T15:59:22.785Z dueAfter ISO 8601 date No 2025-03-14T15:59:22.785Z closed Closed No true offset Offset Yes 0 count Count Yes 100 - Response
- Operation Successful
- Operation Failed
- Status code
- Status code other than 200 indicating the error type
- Response Body
- Error detail of content type "text/plain"
- cURL Example
$ curl -u <login name>:<password or access token> -G https://git.codedune.app/~api/projects/1/iterations --data-urlencode name=string --data-urlencode startBefore=2025-03-14T15:59:22.784Z --data-urlencode startAfter=2025-03-14T15:59:22.784Z --data-urlencode dueBefore=2025-03-14T15:59:22.784Z --data-urlencode dueAfter=2025-03-14T15:59:22.784Z --data-urlencode closed=true --data-urlencode offset=0 --data-urlencode count=100